Yes: what the hell…. This is what we are all saying (or at least thinking) when we wonder about the consequences of the trending topic in the world these days… these weeks… who knows, these upcoming months…?
The world of corporate groups travel, also known as “MICE” business, is doubtlessly suffering the famous virus. It all started with the cancellation of the Mobile World Congress at the end of February and that opened the Pandora´s box for the rest of events to follow, creating a house of cards that no one knows how long it is going to last.
The cancellation of the world's largest travel trade fair in early March, The ITB Berlin, has proven to be the ultimate decision to bring down the curtain on the corporate travel industry.
So, what´s next…? With extreme measurements being put in practice by most of the European governments, the situation does not look promising at all. The airlines are cancelling more and more flights each day, the hotels are reporting huge losses by the hour, the touroperators are starting to completely restructure their forecasts for the season…
So, what the hell…? Well, let´s take this seriously, we have no other choice… the bit “T” of the SWOT analysis is here, it has struck us without previous notice and it is now time to act consequently. Each company will have to stop for a minute, analyse the problem and make decisions. We all wish we had a crystal ball now in our hands to reflect the present in one year from now, to see how real this is going to be… that would help make the right decisions now, but in the meantime, let´s assume this is real and serious, not so much the virus itself, but the enormous FEAR that comes with it… and such FEAR is what we should be afraid of.