Experience Box has signed a collaboration agreement with Almijara whose main objective is the creation of several spaces dedicated to reforestation tasks both for individuals (sponsorship of seedlings) and corporate (sponsorship or on-site reforestation), as well as other experiences related to the improvement of Biodiversity and Geodiversity. We have called this agreement: "Bosques amadrinados en la Costa del Sol Occidental".
Through this agreement, the entities will manage farms suitable for restoration through Land Stewardship Agreements (CdT), preferably public with municipalities in the region, and between both entities will offer the possibility of reforestation and tree sponsorship, as well as collaborative experiences and CSR to companies and the tourism sector in terms of improving Biodiversity and Geodiversity and adaptation and mitigation of Climate Change.
For the adaptation and assembly, installations, management, etc. of everything necessary for the implementation and proper development of this project, a donation has been agreed by Experince Box to AMMA Almijara, which has already borne its first fruits: a first farm has been visited together with municipal technicians, of which we will give a detailed account as soon as the CdT agreement that would allow us to develop the project in the first years approaches.
To set it up, training sessions will be held to prepare Forestry and Environmental Monitors from the municipalities of the region so that they will be the ones to develop the activities that will be agreed and closed when everything is ready to start the activities. This will make it possible to provide some jobs in the intervention areas.
At the same time, irrigation tanks will be installed and a space will be set up for tools and materials, which will also serve as a transitional nursery for the plants.
Experience Box offers from now on, in total exclusivity in this plot(s), RSC activities of on-site reforestation to companies in Malaga, to international companies celebrating their MICE events on the Costa del Sol and to event agencies, DMCs, associations, etc.